
The following is a list of relevant publications that include assessment results and other details.

Presentations and Publications in Refereed Conference Proceedings

Note: These are peer reviewed presentations and publications.
  1. Goeser, P.T. and Duong, A., “MATLAB Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) for Problem Solving in Thermodynamics.” The ASEE SE Section Annual Conference. Raleigh, North Carolina , March 9th – March 12th 2019.
  2. Murphy, T., Goeser, P.T. and Williams, C., “Analysis of Usage Statistics of MATLAB Marina – A Virtual Learning Environment.” The ASEE SE Section Annual Conference. Daytona Beach, Florida, March 4th – March 6th 2018.
  3. Goeser, P.T. and Ruiz, S., “The Development of MATLAB Functions for Effective Use and Improvement of Student Learning in a Thermodynamics Course.” The ASEE SE Section Annual Conference. Gainesville, Florida, April 12th – April 14th 2015. Paper nominated for best conference paper in 2015 and best instructional paper in 2016.
  4. Goeser, P.T., Murphy, T., Williams, C. and Johnson, W., “The Effective Use of Virtual Learning Environments like MATLAB Marina as the Primary Resource for an Introductory Programming Course. ” The ASEE SE Section Annual Conference. Macon, Georgia, March 30th –April 1st 2014.
  5. Goeser, P.T., Johnson, W., Nivens, D. and Bernadin, S., “Work-in-Progress: The Impact of MatLab Marina - A Virtual Learning Environment on Student Learning in a Computing for Engineers Course.” The 2013 Annual ASEE Conference & Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia, June 23rd – 26th, 2013.
  6. Goeser, P.T., Johnson, W. and Nivens, D., “The Role of a Freshmen Programming Course for Engineers on Student Success.” The ASEE SE Section Annual Conference. Cookeville, Tennessee, March 10th -12th 2013. Extended abstract published and work presented.
  7. Goeser, P.T., Flett, A., Kriske, J. and Panter, C., “MatLab Marina: Web-Based Tutorials for Teaching Programming Concepts using MATLAB.” The ASEE SE Section Annual Conference. Starkville, Mississippi, April 1st – 3rd 2012.