Linear Algebraic Equations
Q. What are linear algebraic equations?
A. Linear algebraic equations are equations of the form shown below where
xi (i=1,2...n) are the n unknowns, aij (i, j=1,2...n) are the coefficients and
bj are the constants.
These n equations
can be solved for the n unknowns using alorithms such as Gaussian Elimination, LU decomposition, etc.
Users are encouraged to read through the following primer:
Linear Algebraic Equations Primer
Users are encouraged to work through the following suggested exercises:
Linear Algebraic Equations Exercises
MATLAB programs
Solve for 3 unknowns x,y & z.
linear1.m &
Solve for currents in a circuit.
Solve for the acceleration and tensions for 3 falling parachutists.