
This work is supported by the following grants:

  1. “Replace the textbook for MATLAB used in the course ENGR1121 Computing Applications in Mechanical Engineering with a no cost online, virtual learning environment.” P.I.: Goeser, P.T., Co-P.I.: Murphy, T, Co-P.I.: Williams, C., Co-P.I.: Calamas, D. and Co-P.I.: Choi, J., Textbook Transformation Grants, Affordable Learning Georgia, University System of Georgia Board of Regents. Amount: $29,922
  2. "Enhancing and Updating MATLAB Marina." P.I.: Murphy, T., Co-P.I.: Goeser, P.T., Co-P.I.: Williams, C., Office of Online and Blended Learning, Armstrong State University. Amount Awarded: $1007.50. May - June 2016
  3. "MATLAB Marina - A Virtual Learning Environment for Teaching Programming for Engineers." P.I.: Goeser, P.T., Institutional Complete College Georgia (CCG) Research Assistant, Armstrong State University. Amount Awarded: $4560 (to support one undergraduate research assistant). August 2013 - May 2014.
  4. "MATLAB Marina - A Virtual Learning Environment for Teaching Programming for Engineers." P.I.: Goeser, P.T., Institutional Complete College Georgia (CCG) Research Assistant, Armstrong State University. Amount Awarded: support for one undergraduate research assistant. August 2012 - May 2013.
  5. "MatLab Marina: Web-Based Tutorials for Teaching Programming Concepts using MATLAB." P.I.: Goeser, P.T., Armstrong Teaching and Learning Grant, Office of Faculty Development, Armstrong State University. January - June 2012.
  6. "A Virtual Learning Center: Programming for Engineers using MATLAB." P.I.: Goeser, P.T., Armstrong Teaching and Learning Grant, Office of Faculty Development, Armstrong State University. January - June 2011.
  7. The Talented Researcher in Engineering (TRIE) College Program 2011 and 2012, NASA Georgia Space Grant Consortium, P.I. Coates, C.
This work was also recognized: Affordable Learning Georgia Award for Innovation and Early Success in Textbook Transformation to no-cost Open Educational Resources, Symposium on the Future of the Textbook, 2014

We also acknowledge the use of material from the following textbook and support from Prof. David Smith: Engineering Computation with MATLAB, 2/E; David M. Smith, Georgia Institute of Technology; ISBN-10: 0136080634; ISBN-13: 9780136080633; Copyright: 2010; Addison-Wesley.

All users are encouraged to purchase a copy of MATLAB at Mathworks in order to learn, use and write MATLAB programs.