This work is supported by the following grants:
- “Replace the textbook for MATLAB used in the course ENGR1121 Computing Applications in Mechanical Engineering with a no cost online, virtual learning environment.” P.I.: Goeser, P.T., Co-P.I.: Murphy, T, Co-P.I.: Williams, C., Co-P.I.: Calamas, D. and Co-P.I.: Choi, J., Textbook Transformation Grants, Affordable Learning Georgia, University System of Georgia Board of Regents. Amount: $29,922
- "Enhancing and Updating MATLAB Marina." P.I.: Murphy, T., Co-P.I.: Goeser, P.T., Co-P.I.: Williams, C., Office of Online and Blended Learning, Armstrong State University. Amount Awarded: $1007.50. May - June 2016
- "MATLAB Marina - A Virtual Learning Environment for Teaching Programming for Engineers." P.I.: Goeser, P.T., Institutional Complete College Georgia (CCG) Research Assistant, Armstrong State University. Amount Awarded: $4560 (to support one undergraduate research assistant). August 2013 - May 2014.
- "MATLAB Marina - A Virtual Learning Environment for Teaching Programming for Engineers." P.I.: Goeser, P.T., Institutional Complete College Georgia (CCG) Research Assistant, Armstrong State University. Amount Awarded: support for one undergraduate research assistant. August 2012 - May 2013.
- "MatLab Marina: Web-Based Tutorials for Teaching Programming Concepts using MATLAB." P.I.: Goeser, P.T., Armstrong Teaching and Learning Grant, Office of Faculty Development, Armstrong State University. January - June 2012.
- "A Virtual Learning Center: Programming for Engineers using MATLAB." P.I.: Goeser, P.T., Armstrong Teaching and Learning Grant, Office of Faculty Development, Armstrong State University. January - June 2011.
- The Talented Researcher in Engineering (TRIE) College Program 2011 and 2012, NASA Georgia Space Grant Consortium, P.I. Coates, C.
We also acknowledge the use of material from the following textbook and support from Prof. David Smith: Engineering Computation with MATLAB, 2/E; David M. Smith, Georgia Institute of Technology; ISBN-10: 0136080634; ISBN-13: 9780136080633; Copyright: 2010; Addison-Wesley.
All users are encouraged to purchase a copy of MATLAB at Mathworks in order to learn, use and write MATLAB programs.