1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 | function R134a = R134a_sat(name1, value1, name2, value2, units) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % R134a_sat.m % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Fundamentals of Thermodynamics % A function that uses two independent properties of saturated R134a % (as within the vapor dome) and defines as the output a structure with % all relevant properties at the same state. Since the state is within the % vapor dome, a combination of temperature or pressure, along with any % other valid property will fix the state. % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Syntax: R134a = R134a_sat(name1, value1, name2, value2, units) % Inputs: name1 = the name of the first property ('T' or 'p') % value1 = the value of the first property % name2 = the name of the second property ('v','u','h','s' or 'x') % value2 = the value of the second property % units = 1 (SI units) or 2 (English units) % Output: R134a = the structure with all relevant properties in relevant % fields (T, p, v, u, h, s, x and message). % message is 1 if state is in vapor dome, 0 if not. % % Valid properties and units: % T - temperature (C or F) % p - pressure (bar or lbf/in^2) % v - specific volume (m^3/kg or ft^3/lb) % h - specific enthalpy (kJ/kg or Btu/lb) % u - specific internal energy (kJ/kg or Btu/lb) % s - specific entropy (kJ/kg*K or Btu/lb*R) % x - quality (mass of vapor as a unitless fraction between 0-1) % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Notes: Use consistent SI or English units. % All specific properties defined per unit mass. %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Example % R134a = R134a_sat('T', 0, 'v', 0.01, 1) % This example corresponds to saturated refrigerant 134a at 0 degrees C, % and with a specific volume of 0.01 m^3/kg %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Simon Ruiz, Undergraduate student, Mechanical Engineering % Dr.Priya Goeser, Professor % Original: March 11th, 2013 % Modified: July 21, 2016 % Copyright (c) 2013 Simon Ruiz, All Rights Reserved. % Engineering Studies Program, Armstrong State University. % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |